Log on to help the Criterion mark 60 years

By Barbara Goulden
It may be too late but fans of Coventry's Criterion Theatre may want to join the online celebration of its 60th anniversary by registering to watch a reading of the company's first ever production. Back in 1961 - on February 25th to be precise - the amateur dramatic founders of The Criterion performed An Italian Straw Hat. This time you can only see and hear present day members of what has become the best amateur dramatic group in Coventry reading the lines of this classic farce which actually dates back to 1851. What will it be like? Who knows? But if the Criterion are using it to celebrate, that's good enough for me. What's more, it's free. But you'll have to be very fast to register by logging on to: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1KC1ao_sQVyYd4drzu913g