Butterflies, Bees and Mini-Beasts!

Matthew Ingram of Holt Hall Apiary. Photo courtesy of the Butterfly Farm.
Stratford Butterfly Farm is inviting visitors to discover the fascinating world of Bees on Tuesday 28 May from 10am – 3pm in the Discovery Zone. Matthew Ingram, a beekeeper from Holt Hall Apiary, along with his bees, will be teaching visitors all about these wonderful pollinators and how to interact with them. Holt Hall Apiary is a small independent Bee Farm in Staffordshire with over 140 hives.
Visitors can also discover the world of spiders and in particular a new inhabitant which has just gone on display - a female Golden Orb-Weaver can now be found in Minibeast Metropolis. Although Stratford Butterfly Farm has successfully bred them in the past, they have not had one on display for several years.

The Golden Orb Weaver spider. Photo courtesy of the Butterfly Farm.
During the half term from 25 May to 2 June, the Education Team will be hosting the popular Meet the Mini-Beast, Butterfly Life Cycle, Pupae and Beetle demonstrations which take place daily in the Discovery Zone at 11am.
Jane Kendrick, Marketing Manager at Stratford Butterfly Farm said, “This half term come and enjoy the relaxing pleasure of walking amongst some of the world’s most stunning and colourful butterflies in our tropical rainforest setting, discover all about bees, meet our new spider and treat yourself to some of the delicious honey in our shop!”
For more information visit the website at: www.butterflyfarm.co.uk or telephone on 01789 299288.