Saints Dramatic Society review: Pygmalion

Pygmalion, Saints Dramatic Society, Allesley Village Hall, to Oct 12.
This George Bernard Shaw classic marks the Saints' 169th production since they started in 1959.
Directed by David Healey, Megan Holland is flower seller Eliza Doolittle – and what an excellent performance. Her expressive face and eyes tells of her anger and disdain for the arrogant and chauvinistic Professor Henry Higgins (John Pease) as he tries to turn her into a well-spoken lady in a matter of months.
She was believable and funny, and totally won the audience over. This is quite a wordy play with long speeches from many of the characters, notably Alfred Doolittle, Eliza’s father, played by Dave Collins.
Jonathan Greaves takes the role of the dignified Colonel Pickering; Juliana Swaine is Mrs Pearce, Professor Higgins’ housekeeper, who does her best to keep her employer under control.
Lucinda Toomey is Mrs Higgins, the Professor’s mother who is far from impressed by her son’s behaviour. Kate Hill is the upper-crust Mrs Eynsford Hill, her son Freddy and daughter Clara are played by Brian McAuley and Clare Perryman, and Maria Sheovska and Chris Smith are in supporting roles. All play their parts as Shaw would no doubt have expected: Good performances throughout.
What was particularly nice to see were the lovely costumes by Maria Sheovska and Liz Smith, which were true to the period and added authenticity.
A full and enthusiastic house clearly loved the play - a wonderful production to mark the Saints' diamond anniversary.
For tickets call 07927 319985.