Young audience goes wild over dino-show
Dinosaur World Live, Warwick Arts Centre, October 30.
The show begins with exuberant curator Miranda, played by Elizabeth Williams, describing how she and her explorer parents discovered the world’s only surviving dinosaurs after a shipwreck left them stranded on a forgotten island.
Fast forward twenty years, and the family, with pet dinosaurs, have prepared their boat to sail back to civilisation.
From then the thrills come thick and fast as one dinosaur after another is paraded out on stage, to the delight of the young audience, and the special effects ramp up the wow factor as the show progresses.
The lighting and sound are turned up to the max with the final appearance of the T Rex, whose glowing eyes and spine-chilling roars elicited roars of equal intensity from the rapt audience.
Throw in the snippets of pre-historical facts which punctuated the performance, and this was a wholly entertaining show, perfect for dino-fans of any age.
Picture by Robert Day.