Knitters: with your help more shall go the panto to see Sleeping Beauty

Staff at the Belgrade Theatre and appealing for more knitters to volunteer their services to create a range of colourful "twiddle muffs" that help children and adults whose anxiety levels often stop them from accessing fun shows such as this year's pantomime.
Last year Earlsdon Women's Institute provided scores of small sensory aids - better known as twiddle muffs - for use during a special 'relaxed' performance of Cinderella that was enjoyed by many in the audience with autistic spectrum conditions, learning disabilities and dementia.
Essentially the aids provide something to do with your hands for those who get worried and have difficulty sitting still.
Theatre spokeswoman Heather Kincaid is now hoping to provide more knitted comforts for a matinee scheduled for one of this year's performances of Sleeping Beauty.
But she needs more twiddle muffs along the lines of these shown.
If you can help email: or ring 024 7684 6732.